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Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 9:30 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Align Elements

Sitebuilder Plus: Align Elements

You can easily align elements on the page doing the following. 

  1. Hold down the Shift key and then click/select the elements you wish to align. This will display a blue, or yellow box around the elements so that you can see everything that is selected. 

  2. After you've selected the desired elements, then look to the right side in the properties editor and you'll see the Align options like in the image below. 

  3. Also notice just above the alignment tools, there is an option labeled "Group".  After you have your elements properly aligned and positioned on the page, you can click the "group" check-box and it locks the selected elements into a group so you can click on them and move them simultaneously instead of one at a time. 

  4. Save and publish the page when finished. 

17 Messages


410 Points

4 years ago

I do not have this option in the properties editor.  All I have is the rotate option.  I can't even group these images.  
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106.7K Points


I can take a look, what website are you editing? 

17 Messages


410 Points

Thank you!  am actually using  website builder...and there are a few issues I would love you to look at!
- there is a random button/element showing up on my published page that does not show up in the edit screen. It's in the far upper left-hand corner and I can't access it to remove it.
- maybe this same "button" appears in my mobile site? I can't tell what this random element is.
- how do I change the color of my link text?
- is there no way to drag and drop multiple imaes?
- my header image is popping out when clicked and I can't stop it? How do i stop this?
- how do I host/upload individual music files without SoundCloud?
- still need to know the actual link for images so that I can use HTML to create mouseovers
- this is happening on my sitter page in mobile.  I am using the tab container.  Help?

Thank you so much! I'm not terribly pleased with the website builder interface, Wix is so much easier.  My homestead renewal is coming up this weekend so I'm on the fence about renewing after 20 years with homestead. I would rather not leave so I appreciate your attentiveness to my concerns. I will look to for your response to these 8 questions!

I'm happy to discuss this over the phone or by email as well.

17 Messages


410 Points

FYI - I am basically recreating/updating my old homestead sites if you want to take a look for comparison:
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106.7K Points


There is a button on the far left that can be seen and removed if you zoom out (ctrl -) on your screen to get a wider view.
You can hide any buttons or elements in the mobile site if you do not want to use them. 
To change the color of linked text, highlight and adjust the color of the text after it has been linked. 
Up to 5 images can be uploaded to the builder at once. You can hold shift and select the images when uploading. From the my images window you can select multiple images and click place to add the chosen images to the site at once. 
Audio files will need to be uploaded and played from Soundcloud, vimeo or Youtube. Otherwise you can try using HTML. 
Mouse over effects can be set up using element behaviors.
For the text that is exceeding the site on mobile on sitter, extent the section to make it longer and put the text in the section. 

17 Messages


410 Points

Thank you!

I tried your options with very limited success.  Please help?

1. the button is gone!  thank you!
2. Highlighting the link highlights ALL the text, not just the link, so I can't change the link color.  The link is not even showing up as blue so this needs to change.
3. I was aware of the 5 image limit, I am just confirming that there is no drag and drop and an image limit.
4.  My header image is still popping out. I checked in behavior and it is not set to do this.  Please help.
5. In order to use html I still need the complete link from homestead for the audio OR video files. Hosting my content is part of what I am paying Homestead for so I don't understand why this is an issue.  Is not an issue for any of your competitors.
6. effects behavior does not offer any mouseover options for my images, so I still need the link from homestead (my browser doesn't even recognize that these are images on my published site, which is confusing).

I contacted homestead support months ago about this issue and was told this option was removed from website builder.  As you can see from my old homestead sites I need it, and am willing to use HTML to do it myself.  Homestead just needs to provide the link to the image for me to compensate for the oversight of removing that feature. 

Thank you I will look for your response.

17 Messages


410 Points

4 years ago

Hi Michelle!

1. link text  - highlighted!  thank you.
2. image upload - we are now going in circles on this topic.  I will assume that I was correct, there is a 5 image limit and no drag and drop.
3. image links - i included examples from my previous sites to help you understand my needs as the images are not in galleries.  this response does not seem to apply to my needs.  Please look again at the screenshot and clarify? 
4. mousover effects - I addressed this in my post 2 days ago when I said "6. effects behavior does not offer any mouseover options for my images, so I still need the link from homestead (my browser doesn't even recognize that these are images on my published site, which is confusing). Please scroll up if you are confused  Again, I included screenshots to help you understand my needs.  Please refer, again, to the screenshot
5.  inaccurate spacial representation - no, the header is not the issue. The space under the images is clearly different in the published version.  Again, please refer to my screenshot and tell me how to correct this.

So out of all my questions you provided an accurate response to only one.  Please refer to all the screenshot and gifs I provided, they contain all the information that you need to correctly respond to these quesitons.  I appreciate your efforts but the back and forth is becoming frustrating at this point as I am repeating myself. 

Look forward to your accurate replies tomorrow.

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106.7K Points

There is no option to drag an drop an image for uploading, but when you go to upload an image, yes, you can select up to 5 images at a time to upload from your computer.
You can obtain image links by inspecting the page, and looking under sources. The image url will show. 

The available behaviors are what we can assist im setting up. Otherwise you will want to research HTML codes for the desired function. 
The header does not change, I understand the spacing at the bottom is a bit different. The heading in the editor plays a part when it is displayed but is removed in the preview mode, which is a true representation of what the published site will look like. 

If you need immediate assistance you are always welcome to call into support at 1800-710-1998. 

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I'm building a new site in WebsiteBuilder to replace the one I have from SiteBuilder Plus. Is there an "Align and Group" option in WebsiteBuilder as described above? I tried using that process that works in Sitebuilder, but no editing option is apparent in the new software after the elements are selected, although they are temporarily grouped in a box and can be moved as a unit. Some kind of a tool bar flashes briefly when two elements are selected together with the Shift key, but it disappears.


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106.7K Points


There is an option when clicking the mouse and rolling over all the elements you want to be grouped, then right-clicking and select wrap with box. This places these elements on a container essentially grouping them together. It is not exactly the same as the group option in Sitebuilder but this does provide the same outcome. 

2 Messages


70 Points

Thanks! I was wondering what "wrap with box" meant. Is there a way to secure a box or element in a specific position on a page so it can't be inadvertently moved? But easily "unlocked" if I want to move it?

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106.7K Points

No problem. There currently is not a way to lock a position on a page but we have sent feedback on this. 

13 Messages


304 Points

3 years ago

I don't see any properties box after selecting the items I want to align or group.

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11K Messages


144.9K Points

These instructions are for Sitebuilder Plus, which is not the builder you're using. There isn't an align feature that functions this way in WebsiteBuilder