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677 Messages


44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2012 5:36 PM

Account: Point a Domain to Homestead Using Nameservers

Account: Point a Domain to Homestead Using Nameservers
Here are instructions to point your domain to Homestead using nameservers.

To point your domain using nameservers
  1. Contact your current domain provider to add our Nameservers. Some providers allow you to do this online. If yours doesn't, you can call or email them to complete this step with our Nameservers.




  2. Click Domains on the left to go to Domain Manager.

  3. Under Use a Domain You Already Own, enter your domain and click Use This Domain.

  4. Click Keep Current Provider.

  5. Click I Have Added Nameservers.


The point will complete in 1-3 business days depending on the speed of your domain provider.

7 Messages


262 Points

12 years ago

I have 14 domain names that I need to point to my Homestead website. I am trying to find an email address so I can request assistance from Homestead but can not find one.

My Australian domain provider have said that as I don't have access to the DNS server I have to request Homestead point these domains on my behalf.

As I am in Australia, I am finding it very hard to get anyone on the Chat Line to assist me in the hours that I am on my computer.

Please assist by sending me an email address that I can send to.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Pointing domain name to Homestead.

120 Messages


40K Points

Hi Pamela2268,

Please use the instructions above to point your domain names using nameservers to your website with us.

If you need further assistance, you can reply here and I'd be happy to help out.



7 Messages


262 Points

Hi Ehsan

This has helped with the .com and .info websites but being from Australia my websites contain and endings. How do I point these. I have gone into the domain host and changed the name to etc but the sticking point is in homestead with the domain name endings above. Please tell me this can be done as if it hasn't I have just wasted a whole lot of money on domain names.



120 Messages


40K Points

Hi Pamela,

I apologize for the delay -

Unfortunately, we're not able to add double extension domains in our system ( or for example).

You'd need to ask your current provider if they offer domain forwarding (with masking might be something you want to do).

Or if they can do a 301 redirect that might be another option.

Hope this info helps, thanks.


1 Message


112 Points

11 years ago


I am trying to build a website for my business. I registered my domain name through I have found their web site builders to be extremely confusing and hence am trying to switch everything over to homestead. It is much much easier. However, when I got to the pointing process, I ran into a wall. I basically understand how that I need to add the right info to my domain so that it points to the homestead site I have built, BUT how do I actually accomplish that? There are no "name server" options that I can find through free hosting, on my "cpanel" as they call it. I thought the logical place would be under "advanced DNS", but once I clicked that option I hit that wall again. I don't know what I need to input or even if this is the right place. Please help?

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Computer Ignorant Extrordinare!.

2 Messages


144 Points

11 years ago

I'm trying to change my nameservers for

1st Nameserver:
2nd Nameserver:

Every time i've tried it says, "our partners seem to be having some technical difficulties". I've been trying for days now.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
I'm trying to change my nameservers.

8 Messages


838 Points

11 years ago

Hello. It is possible to swap out a domain currently in our intuit/homestead account? In other words, we currently have an active domain/website with you for several years now. We finally were successful in obtaining the actual domain we always wanted for this project. That new domain currently resides at Go Daddy. Now, we are interested in replacing the current domain with the new one. Wasn't sure if that swap was possible. We would also have to replace the associated emails. Maybe we are just better off to point the new domain to the existing account. Any insight would be appreciated. David

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Swapping Domains Instead of Pointing. Is it worth the hassle?.

1 Message


112 Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
What is the nameserver for intuit websites?.

3 Messages


152 Points

11 years ago

2 Messages


132 Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Local domain issue.

hi, may i know if i owned a local domain (e.g., how can i set up for the site which built by your cms?

11 Messages


334 Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Website access and edit.

I cannot get into the '' website. Directs me to totally different si

782 Messages


184.8K Points

The domain is not pointed. The nameservers have not been changed. Follow the steps above and it will work.


3 Messages


152 Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
I put in the website name and it don't bring it up, but i can access it through

782 Messages


184.8K Points

I see the domain is not properly pointed. You'll need to do Step #1 above.

3 Messages


152 Points

what is the domain provider and how do you find it. i don't understand step #1

782 Messages


184.8K Points

The domain provider is the company at which the domain has been registered with. This information is public and can be found using several websites such as:

If you just enter your domain name, (leave off the "www"), it will show you who the registrar is. So in this case, yours is

2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Procedure to publish and point our own DNS to the site?.

We have our own registrar account, dns, and mail servers. We have a small site at Homestead. What is the procedure for publishing, and where do we point the domain and www A records?


782 Messages


184.8K Points

If you are hosting your own email, then you'll use the records here instead.

1 Message


110 Points

10 years ago

Can I point my Blogger blog to a domain purchased and hosted by Homestead?
I ask because I don't want to purchase the domain if I cannot, but if I can purchase the domain through the service I have with you and point my blog to it that would be great. If it helps, HERE is the link to the Help article on Blogger. 

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Hi asgoodrich,

It can be done in 2 ways. You can host it on the top level domain so that www.newdomainname brings up the blog, or you can make a subdomain from an existing domain so that you can try to integrate the blog into your existing site with homestead. You would go to www.currentdomain and have a link to the blog that would be blog.current domain. Either way will work.


2 Messages


132 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Can't view website on internet.

Domain will not come up

129 Messages


18.9K Points


You domain is not showing hosted with us and it is not pointed to us. To point the domain to us using the nameservers, please see the article above.

15 Messages


624 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled DOMAIN PAID AND NOT AVAILABLE TO PUBLISH.

I have created a website and I already have paid for the domain which was available. Now, I have finished the website and I want to publish but it is impossible because the domain is unsuccessful and I have tried to put another one and you charge me a new value and I have paid it and this new domain is not available again. I need your urgent support because I want to publish my interes. I am trying contact somebody by chat but this chat is not available. What happend?? I need support now. My domain is I need support urgent. I cannot find any phone number and the chat page is not available. I need any answer. I want to see the website.

129 Messages


18.9K Points


Your domain is shown to be hosted by GoDaddy. You would need to point the domain to Homestead by updating the nameservers as shown in the article above. 

2 Messages


132 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How do i?.

I need to use another web address & need it assigned to my website. How do I do this? It is, my current used address is

33 Messages


806 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Pointing a domain name from Google to a Homestead Website..

My friend wants to use Homestead to design his new consulting website, He already has a  business domain name that he got from Google.How does he redirect his Google domain name to his Homestead hosted website? Eventually, he may want to switch his domain name to Homestead, but for right now, he wants to know if it can be re-directed and if it's complicated.