homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2012 5:16 PM

Account: Create a Subdomain

Account: Create a Subdomain
Here are instructions to create subdomains.

  1. Click Domains in the left navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down until you see your domain name. Then, click add a new subdomain.

  3. Enter the name of the subdomain you'd like.

  4. Link the subdomain to the appropriate location (Folder, Site, Storefront, or URL). Choose from the options listed.

  5. Click Save button to confirm your subdomain.

    *Note: this is for domains on Sitebuilder sites only!
Brand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

12 years ago

Here are instructions to create subdomains.

  1. Click Domains in the left navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down until you see your domain name. Then, click add a new subdomain.

  3. Enter the name of the subdomain you'd like.

  4. Link the subdomain to the appropriate location (Folder, Site, Storefront, or URL). Choose from the options listed.

  5. Click Save button to confirm your subdomain.

12 Messages


200 Points

There is NO ability add a subdomain name in my account using these instructions? what do i do?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


If you are attempting to add a subdomain to a domain connected to a WebsitBuilder site, this feature is not available. To set up a subdomain the domain will need to be attached to a Sitebuilder site, or you can try using a DNS record for the subdomain point. 

12 Messages


200 Points

That does not work. There is NO option to add a sub in the Sitebuilder site cloud.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


If you are attempting to add a subdomain to a domain connected to a WebsitBuilder site, this feature is not available. To set up a subdomain the domain will need to be attached to a Sitebuilder site, or you can try using a DNS record for the subdomain point. 

47 Messages


712 Points

Very disappointed by this. Are there plans to change this?

5 Messages


262 Points

12 years ago

These are no location options!

12 Messages


200 Points

I am having the same problem too....

5 Messages


262 Points

12 years ago


4 Messages


162 Points

11 years ago

I did just that, I'm waiting to see if it works. Thanks for your help!

1 Message


110 Points

11 years ago

yes!, woks, thanks

40 Messages


2.4K Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Subdomain to brand my videos.

I'd like to set up a subdomain from my website to brand my video player. How can I do this within my domain for a particular site? I only want the sub domain used for the video branding not the entire website. Thanks

4 Messages


162 Points

11 years ago

Thank You for taking the time and your response.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

You are welcome.

7 Messages


604 Points

10 years ago

I trying add one seems not be working might be do something wrong I'll wait and see maybe takes time

7 Messages


604 Points

10 years ago

How do we edit the sub domian once addded

782 Messages


184.8K Points

10 years ago

From the Domain's screen just click the "edit" button next to the sub-domain you wish to change.

7 Messages


604 Points

not what I ment a sub domain usely separate site  from first one like free webs does example

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Sorry, I am not understanding your explanation. Can you please clarify?

7 Messages


604 Points

freewebs is like main site then they like give free domain like  get the site free the also have option but it understand

782 Messages


184.8K Points are wanting to create Homestead sub-domains rather than using your own domain name?

If so, each site that you start contains a site name, which is actually a sub-domain of Homestead.  The image below shows your existing Homestead sub-domain. 

You can change the site name (or sub-domain) by going to the Websites Manager page, and clicking Websites Manager > More > Rename this site, as shown below.

If you want to create additional Homestead sub-domains, this is done by creating additional websites. Follow the steps here.  When you get to step #3, and you name the site, you are creating a sub-domain. 

Let me know if you have further questions.


6 Messages


462 Points

i want to rename a currently published page ( and turn it into a subdomain. ( How do i do that?

2 Messages


142 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
How to create subdomains.

how to create a subdomain

Note: This topic was created from a reply on the Hello, i have a few questions... topic.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Hi connie3409,   I moved your question here as this topic was already created

11 Messages


364 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Sub+Domains+-+Can+a+sub+domain+bring+viewers+to+different+page+on+my+site?.

Can I have a sub domain bring viewers to a different page on my website (that is not my home page) ??

27 Messages


1K Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How do I feed my Wordpress Blog into my website?.

This is a question that has never really been answered. Some years ago I was able to post my Blogger blog on my website so it fed into it directly. That doesn't appear as an option anymore. But I know a lot of us want to be able to feed an outside blog into our website. Has anybody figured out how to do that yet? Blogger? Wordpress? Anything?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

If you have questions, please let us know what you want for a subdomain and where it should point.


27 Messages


1K Points

Thanks Drew. So, I Googled subdomains and understand them on a basic level, but how would that allow me to install my outside blog on my website? I really would prefer not to use the simple blog available through homestead. I'm starting to think I need to simply figure out how to put the correct html code on my site (that's an iframe, right?) from the outside blog. I should be bugging them, not you guys.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

There is a trade off. An iframe is a problem for search engines, which is why I prefer the subdomain. You would still need to host the blog at the other site, but if you design it to look similar to your site, it can look integrated, even though it is hosted at a 3rd party. If you want it inserted into one of your pages, then the iframe is the only way, but again, you lose something with the search engines.


2 Messages


232 Points

I'm starting to get cross-eyed here. Like Bob, I just want to feed my blogger blog into a page of my website. This was done before when my website was set up by a friend, but now I'm building a new one myself and am confused. Why was this option removed? I've set up a subdomain, but my options to link it aren't familiar to me. It's linked to "TOP (root folder)," and I don't know what that means. And now I see "the iframe is the only way" to do this, and I'm even more lost. What's an iframe? Help!

27 Messages


1K Points

Thank you Susan! So, here is what I learned:

The definition: 
  1. An IFrame (Inline Frame) is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. The IFrame HTML element is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page.
So, I'm guessing we need to locate the correct HTML code from Blogger, or Wordpress or whatever, and then insert it as an HTML box. I remember trying to find that some years ago and being unsuccessful, but maybe you will have better luck.

Why they discontinued the feature is a shame and I guess to promote their own blog application. But I did hear some rumor that it is still on the downloadable version of the software. I'll try to make time this year to download it and if it works I'll let you know. Anything you know, let me know.

It seems like such an important feature for any website to be able to stream thier existing blogs into their Homestead websites that I would urge them to reconsider adding it back.

2 Messages


130 Points

10 years ago

Can I create a subdomain page and have my LinkedIn articles linked to the subdomain page and if so, how can I make it happen ?

13 Messages


340 Points

9 years ago

I have a subdomain and when I go to it the only thing that shows up is a can not find server message. I want it to go to my main web site. How do i target my index page?
Brand User

1K Messages


30K Points

Hi William4092, if you want it to open the appropriate index page, then you will want to select the middle button in the subdomain page and in the drop down menu make sure your website is selected. Which domain are you having issues with?