677 Messages
44.6K Points
Account: Add On Services
If you need additional services added to your account such as email accounts, email storage upgrades, eCommerce information, disk-space, package changes or more information on services we offer, look under the Add-on Services tab.
The first subcategory is Get More Customers, which provides information about LocalLift and SEO services. You can toggle through the highlighted areas to read more into the services.
Under Make My Website Look Good you can read about design services. You can toggle through the highlighted areas to read more into the services and if you would like a free consultation about a website design feel free to call in at 1-800-710-1998.
Sell online overviews the benefits of an eCommerce store. Set up your online store all in one place. Here is an example of an eCommerce store using WebsiteBuilder. https://homesteadcommunitytest.com/store
Customize My Website is where you will find the most options. This is where you can make package changes, add email accounts, email storage upgrades and disk-space.
First are the packages if you would like to change your package click on the desired package Starter, Business or Business Plus then click upgrade now.
The Add Extras tab is where you can add email accounts, upgrade email storage and add disk-space/ band-width.
Here you can select to add or remove any number of email addresses to your account. You can also add email storage. Once adjusted click upgrade now.
Note: If you add an email storage upgrade make sure you apply it to the email box.
The first subcategory is Get More Customers, which provides information about LocalLift and SEO services. You can toggle through the highlighted areas to read more into the services.
Under Make My Website Look Good you can read about design services. You can toggle through the highlighted areas to read more into the services and if you would like a free consultation about a website design feel free to call in at 1-800-710-1998.
Sell online overviews the benefits of an eCommerce store. Set up your online store all in one place. Here is an example of an eCommerce store using WebsiteBuilder. https://homesteadcommunitytest.com/store
Customize My Website is where you will find the most options. This is where you can make package changes, add email accounts, email storage upgrades and disk-space.
First are the packages if you would like to change your package click on the desired package Starter, Business or Business Plus then click upgrade now.
The Add Extras tab is where you can add email accounts, upgrade email storage and add disk-space/ band-width.
Here you can select to add or remove any number of email addresses to your account. You can also add email storage. Once adjusted click upgrade now.
Note: If you add an email storage upgrade make sure you apply it to the email box.
35 Messages
738 Points
5 years ago
21 Messages
524 Points
4 years ago
Good Day! How can I cancel: 1 Website Ecommerce AddOn: $ 9.99 / month
Don't need that service anymore. Thank you!
3 Messages
160 Points
2 years ago
Could you please downgrade my email add-ons from 4 mailboxes to 2 mailboxes?
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
We are no longer using the 4 email add-on's, can these be removed from my account? Thank you so much!
13 Messages
306 Points
1 month ago
We are no longer using the 6 email add-on's, can these be removed from my account? Please be quick as our billing is due asap. Thank you so much!