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Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 4:29 PM

WebsiteBuilder: Join My Mailing List

WebsiteBuilder: Join My Mailing List

Mailing lists are a great way to get information out to interested parties, but how do you get the contact information FOR those interested parties? This is where "Join My Mailing List" elements come in handy. 

There has been a lot of debate about whether these elements are worth adding to a website. There was a time that websites were plagued by pop-ups that were difficult to exit and bordered on spammy. These days, the approach is much less aggressive. You can add a "Join my mailing list" element and set it to just be embedded at a certain spot on your page, set to scroll with your website, or pop up after a certain amount of time spent on a page. Each option has their pro's and con's.

Embedding the element at a specific place on the website is the least invasive method and probably the least effective as well. It allows you to choose a spot on your website to place the element and have it stay there. You'll probably want to choose a highly visible spot. You'll also want to design the element with colors that make it stand out and grab attention for it to be effective. It is possible that page visitors will not pay attention to it, but you also won't drive customers away by placing the element this way. 

Having the element scroll with the page is a good way to make the element more noticeable, while still remaining non-intrusive. The only catch is that you will have to either keep an entire column of your website devoid of any information, or deal with the fact that the element will cover up information on your page. This could be frustrating for users.

Having the element pop up after a certain amount of time is by far the most effective. Companies have found increases in signups anywhere from 20%-70% after adding a sign up form that pops up. However, it does come with one drawback. A lot of people find pop ups to be annoying and deter them from staying on your site. You can help eliminate this as much as possible by choosing an appropriate amount of time a person spends on your site before you have this element display. While the best way to determine this would be to study your site statistics, find the average time visitors are staying on your page, and set the timer to about 60% of that time, you can also go with the average 60 second timer. This allows customers time to load your site, and see a little bit of what you are about, but not so much time that they are done and leaving your site. 

You also need to decide whether to put it on your Home page, a specific page like Contact, or every page.

Lastly, make sure to tell your visitors what they are signing up for, what the benefit of them signing up is, or what they will be receiving. This will provide a better customer experience.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which method is best for you and your site. 

To add this element in Website Builder,

  1. Click Elements > Contact > Join My Mailing List. Place it on your page.

  2. You will see a menu above the element. From here you can change the color, add animations, send forward and backward, docking, etc. Click More > Advanced.
    This will bring up a menu on the right. You will have the option to see your Mailing List submissions, change the way the element displays, Change DesignSettingsStyle, and Animations

  3. You can choose Popup, Embedded, or Scroll Box

    The pop up option will look like this:

  4. Under Settings, you can change the email address that the submissions go to, along with when the element will appear and the message after submission.


    Change Design will allow you to choose a different layout
    Style will let you pick different colors and border.
    Animations will allow you to add effects like Slide or Fly in. 

  5. When you view the Mailing List, it will display any submission you've received and you will have the option to export them:

After that, you just need to think about what you are going to send out. Whether you have a blog and want to send out each new post, or plan on creating a cool monthly newsletter, this will be a great email marketing tool for your business!

11 Messages


366 Points

6 years ago

How do I set up my mailing list to connect to a specific URL that captures emails to go to my Mailchimp account instead of the mailing list being linked to my email address?
Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

That would be code that Mailchimp would need to provide. The mailing list element in our builder isn't configured to connect to programs like that.

11 Messages


366 Points


5 Messages


204 Points

where do I put the mailchimp code on the webstite builder? 
Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

67 Messages


1.4K Points

4 years ago

Is it possible to have a pop-up "join my mailing list" AND an embedded one on the contact page? I have done this and when I try to subscribe on the one that is embedded on the contact page it does not show up on my manage mail list. The pop-up one does show subscribers on the email list in the mail manager. All subscribers are shown in the Roundcube Webmail server but it would be easier to export to my email marketing if all showed up on the Manage/ Mailing List
Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points


I can see this issue. I can put in a ticket to see if this is an error that should be resolved. I cannot give a timeframe for this ticket, but will update you as soon as possible.

67 Messages


1.4K Points

OK. In the meantime is there a way to take export a subscriber list from Roundcube since I am not getting the full list of subscribers going to my Email Manager?
Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

HI there John,

Can you try removing the element from your site, re-adding it, and republishing your site?

67 Messages


1.4K Points

I will try. And just to clarify, I copied the "Join My List" that I have  in my footer as a pop-up. Then I embedded it on my contact page and embedded it there. 
Originally I had a different "Join My List" on the contact page but I thought this might be the problem so I did the copy & paste from the footer. I will try your suggestion to delete and re-add. 

10 Messages


270 Points

4 years ago

An where I can find "Elements - > Contact -> ..." in Sitebuilder Plus??? I'm enclosing the screenshot of insertions available.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

This site is utilizing Sitebuilder plus not WebsiteBuilder, this builder unfortunately does not have the join mailing list option. 

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

Correct. A new site can be added from getting started or websites manager. You should see add a new site.


New sites do not affect email addresses.


This is a separate site and the current website will not be impacted by adding the new site. 


You can review the getting started articles and videos or review any WebsitBuilder topic articles to see the available features.


The site will not automatically replace the current site. It will be built under a site name. When you are ready to connect it to your domain name the process is simple and can be done by changing the site association.


10 Messages


270 Points

Thank you. I will take a look and ask if face some difficulties. Hopefully Homestead has detailed step-by-step guide.

Thank you again.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

No problem, we'll be here to help if you run into any roadblocks or have questions. 

10 Messages


270 Points


The new site is done and I'd like to replace my previous site with the new one. You already send me the link to the article how to do that (to change the site association). Just to be sure that my understanding is correct.

Step 1: To publish the new site ( - Done;

Step 2: To go to "Domains" and change association.

Q: Currently previous site "" pointed to domain "". If I do step 2, the new website will be pointed to this domain, however, the name of the website will be different. I want to keep with the previous name, i.e. "" not "". There is also warning about it (see screenshot below):

So, it is necessary to change the name of the new site from: "" to "".

Q: how to do it properly using "Website manager"? Before pointing to domain or after?

Q: What will be with the previous website?

Q: It takes about 24 - 48 hours to get the new site pointed to domain live in web, depending on period web information updating. I can clear the cache, but it will be just for my computers, not for others. Actually it is not a problem, there is no rush. However, it is good to know the time frames. Can you comment it?

Thank you,


1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I was thinking of using the join my mailing list and saying get X% off your first order.

Is there a way to have the join my mailing list only capture unique, valid emails? 

Or is there a way for the discount to only work with an email that has not been used with that discount before?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points



Unfortunately, the mailing list feature does not have a way to verify if the email is valid or not. It will accept any input that contains Also, the discount code will be accepted by any user that applies it as long as it is still active in the e-commerce store. There is no way to limit it to a one time use per email. You can set a time frame that it needs to be used by and make the discount code invalid after a certain date. Then use a new code for the next set of sign ups. Hope this makes sense. 

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I am using Site builder plus and there is only a contact me element, not a mailing list element. Can this be done through site builder plus?

Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points



No, there is no feature like this for Sitebuilder Plus. It would need to be added via HTML from an email marketing company like Constant Contact.