dan_carmody's profile

11 Messages


270 Points

Friday, September 13th, 2024 6:13 PM

.js and .css files

I am trying to embed sections from our course scheduling and registration site into my website.  To use the feed, I need to install the .js and .css files.  Where do I do this and how do I do this?  Any help is appreciated.

1.8K Messages


17.9K Points

22 days ago



11 Messages


270 Points

Thank you for this info. I use the Website Builder app to manage my website.  Can you help me to add the JS and CSS files to that?

I appreciate your help.

1.8K Messages


17.9K Points

@dan_carmody​ Use google to find these details: https://www.google.com/search?q=How+to+add+the+JS+and+CSS+files+to+my+homestead+websitebuilder&sca_esv=df8512161525ca7d&authuser=0&sxsrf=ADLYWIKkDp8a1WL7z4Zq2k4ant6VYkHTww%3A1726501594594&ei=2lLoZpCEJP3ekPIP1-TWgQU&ved=0ahUKEwiQ2f_R58eIAxV9L0QIHVeyNVAQ4dUDCBA&oq=How+to+add+the+JS+and+CSS+files+to+my+homestead+websitebuilder&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiPkhvdyB0byBhZGQgdGhlIEpTIGFuZCBDU1MgZmlsZXMgdG8gbXkgaG9tZXN0ZWFkIHdlYnNpdGVidWlsZGVySJ7FAlCvDVjY7wFwAXgBkAEAmAFwoAGoD6oBBDI0LjO4AQzIAQD4AQGYAgWgApADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBRAhGKABwgIFECEYqwLCAggQABiABBiiBJgDAIgGAZAGCJIHAzMuMqAH-Sw&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

To add custom JavaScript and CSS files to your Homestead website builder, navigate to the "Edit Site" section, access the HTML editor within the page you want to modify, and then insert <link> tags for CSS files and <script> tags for JavaScript files within the <head> section of your HTML code, specifying the path to your uploaded files on the Homestead server.
Key steps:
  • Access the HTML Editor:
    • Log in to your Homestead account.
    • Go to "Websites Manager".
    • Select the website you want to edit.
    • Click "Edit Site".
    • Navigate to the specific page where you want to add the CSS and JS files.
    • Look for the "Edit HTML" option or similar depending on your Homestead interface.
  • Upload your CSS and JS files:
    • Go to your Homestead file manager.
    • Upload your CSS and JavaScript files to the appropriate directory within your website's files.
  • Add the code in the <head> section:
    • Within the HTML editor, locate the <head> section of your page.
    • To add a CSS file:
      • Paste this code, replacing "style.css" with the actual filename of your CSS file:
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  • To add a JavaScript file:
    • Paste this code, replacing "script.js" with the actual filename of your JS file:
        <script src="script.js"></script>
Important points to remember:
  • File path:
    Make sure the file paths in your <link> and <script> tags accurately point to the location of your CSS and JS files within your Homestead website directory.
  • Custom code sections:
    Some website builders might offer dedicated sections for adding custom code, so check your Homestead interface for specific options.
  • Testing:
    After adding your code, save the changes and preview your website to ensure the CSS and JavaScript are working as expected.

11 Messages


270 Points

I am sorry to ask so many questions.  I cannot find the file manager in Website Builder.  All of the support articles I've found on Google are for SiteBuilder. 

The Files tab in the elements section has two options: Flash and Document.  Flash says wrong file type (obviously because these are not flash files) and they do not appear in the documents folder when I upload them.  I get a blank grey box in the lower left corner of my screen when I upload to documents.  There are .pdf files in the folder.

Any thoughts?

1.8K Messages


17.9K Points

@dan_carmody​ Websitebuilder doesn't have a file manager as does SB+.