homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2018 1:26 PM

Site Spotlight -

Can you provide a description of your business?

We provide cleaning services in Residential, Commercial,Post Construction.

How did you get started in this business?

I started in 1993 after we had a new home constructed and all excited about moving in only to learn that I had to clean it all before I could do that. I just thought I must not be the only one that has experienced that. At that time there was a construction boom in our community, so I just went to all the job sites, hunted out the contractor or site foreman and offered my services. I had work right away and because of my quality clean for these new builds, I was offered the maid service end or janitorial and it grew from that.

How do you market your business?

I get most of my business from referrals, but I use my website as the primary. I load it with information so that the client has a really good feel and understanding of our services. I avoid holding back information to make them call or email, by the time they actually contact me I have a solid customer. I am in the process of migrating from a very old version of Sitebuilder to the new Homestead Websitebuilder. I have not yet completed all the pages, I am working on completion.

How has technology,such as computers and the internet, impacted on how you conduct business?

It has saved a ton of dollars spent on the old school paper advertising. It has also opened a rapid pipeline for communication and information.

How important is social media to your business?

I haven't put as much value in it as I do my website. I have honestly only just started this portion. I do all of my marketing and website builds myself and I am a little behind on social media but managing.

149 Messages


7.6K Points

6 years ago

Very nice site.  No pun intended but it looks very "clean" and bright.  Our company purchases cleaning services so I can comfortably say that if you were closer, I would be talking to you.  Best luck with your new site!!

12 Messages


622 Points

6 years ago

Thank you David, very flattering.

34 Messages


712 Points

6 years ago

Nice header on the pages. I think you did a great job of colors chosen as well as the background picture. Your slogan "We don't cut corners, we clean them" is brilliant! I would, however, make the navigation menu as well as the important badges (BBB,etc.) not transparent, or less transparent, since you want people to very easily see them.
I haven't had a chance to look at your whole site yet, but just a couple of things:
- Right on the home page, there are quite a few punctuation errors. The first one is on one of the very first sentences on the page, the one that starts with "We are highly trained and experienced professionals..." That sentence should end with a colon (:) not a semicolon (;). The two get used very differently. It looks much more professional to not have language errors, whether they be punctuation, spelling, or grammatical. On another page, there were both punctuation as well as spelling errors. If you are looking to get all levels of clients, including ones in the upper income bracket, I think a much more trustworthy and professional "face" is shown when a site has no mistakes in the language. You are therefore more likely to get that important initial call.
I am good with all aspects of the English language and would be happy to proofread your entire site and point out all the errors I find including punctuation, spelling, and grammatical, so you can correct them. For the amount of pages you have, my fee would be $125.
If you are interested, you can contact me at:
Wishing you all the best with your business!

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

6 years ago

Tami, very well done. I agree with David. You have created a great site for your business. Loads of information. Services separated nicely on different pages. It is very simple and clean. Pretty much everything a 2019website should be.

I have a couple of minor suggestions to consider.

  1. I find the horizontal menu at the top, just a little difficult to read easily. You might try changing the contrast with the background color. Not everyone has great eyes. The left menu also has text that is a little smaller than I prefer.
  2. If you look at your mobile site, you might find that you can reoraganize some elements in order to get a little better of a look. There are a few places where you have some larger than necessary spaces.
  3. Lastly, at least on the homepage and the contact page, I would add a general location of your sevice area to the page title. 
That's about it. Really great job! Good luck with everything.