677 Messages
44.6K Points
Data Migration from Roundcube to Google Workspace
You can create both Google Workspace and Roundcube mailboxes under the same/different domains.
You can create Google Workspace mailboxes with the same/different email address as your existing Roundcube mailbox.
*Use the temporary password provided upon the Google Workspace account creation. The Roundcube password is also set to this temporary password and can be used to access Roundcube. The password can be changed after login*
In order to transfer the data from Roundcube to Google Workspace, you need to:
- Google Workspace Admin- login to admin dashboard https://admin.google.com/
- Click on Account > Data migration
- Click on the link “SET DATA MIGRATION UP”
- Select Migration Source= IMAP, item Type= Email, Connection Protocol= IMAP
- IMAP Server Address= imap.homestead.com
- Enter RC Email address and Password
- On the Configuration Setting page, Select Migration Start Date, Migration Options, and Add Destination (Google Workspace Email Address)
- Hit START button
Data Migration is started and Status is shown as Initializing, as soon as the migration is completed Status is shown as Complete
Now the RC emails should have been transferred to the Google Workspace mailbox
20 Messages
664 Points
5 years ago
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
I am trying to migrate my data to Google Workspace account now hosted by another company, from Roundcube account with you. I keep getting a message that "The URL provided is invalid"
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
I am dealing with this issue right now. I've tried the data migration several times and I keep getting a message saying that it was unable to authenticate. Whatever you did for the other user, it would be great if it could be done for me.
6 Messages
286 Points
2 years ago
I am stuck at the same Unable to Authenticate wall.
My email address no longer exists in Roundcube. I cannot even see it via webmail.
6 Messages
286 Points
2 years ago
Outlook will not allow me to add the new Workspace email address, it says that address is already in use. So I need to migrate the data then delete the email account. Currently Outlook is the only place I have old emails, I do not want to delete.
1 Message
60 Points
6 months ago
Unable to authenticate. Same error as user above, my Roundcube email no longer exists, there seems to be no username or password that's possible to be used. Within the homestead admin account, it no longer counts my email as a used one.
1 Message
60 Points
8 days ago
I am having an issue-- i enter imap.homestead.com and it says Failed to create connection. Try again.