homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

Monday, August 27th, 2018 8:23 PM

Site Spotlight -

Can youprovide a description of your business?

We are a UK registered charity that provides assistance primarily to other charities and in particular to small independent NGOs operating in developing countries and with less access to funds.  We have a strong presence in India, in Delhi in particular where we have been supporting for many years one of the main centres of excellence for the integration of visually impaired people in their communities. 

How did you get started in this business?

The Charity stems from an international order (similar for example to the Rotarians) and in every country where it operates it sets up an independent and fully audited charitable foundation to achieve its humanitarian aims.

How do you market your business?

We network and use the website to showcase our projects and to offer additional information such as links to official sites. This is a good entry point primarily when we fund raise so it is important we keep it up to date and with a smart design.

How has technology, such as computers and the internet, impacted on how you conduct business?

For one thing we are able to obtain funds online and much more quickly than before, we can also communicate in real time thanks to the Internet. However, it has also created additional challenges such as ensuring we are cyber security and data compliant, which for a small organization made up entirely by volunteers like ours might create challenges, especially as our aim is to be 100% effective in terms of money spent, so all our operating costs are met by volunteers or contributions that are specific to that purpose. 

 How important is social media to your business?

We tried creating social media channels but to be effective you have to dedicate time and with the few volunteers available we decided we either did it well or not at all.
Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

6 years ago

Great site! It is clear and flows really well. It is easy to find the information you need and I like how the colors for the site all tie together with the image you use.

One thing I would recommend, since you do accept donations and have a contact form, is to go through the process of securing your site. That will help give peace of mind to visitors and they will be more likely to be willing to put their information on your site. Here is a link to instructions we have to help accomplish this:

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

6 years ago

I want to look in some more detail. I do like the site, but I see at least one spot you can improve it. Try taking a look at our topic on page titles and descriptions. Improving those items can really help distinguish you in search results. Great job!